Jul 27, 2021
Join Em Stroud and her Clown Barbara as they chat all things Authenticity. How can we really connect with who we really are? What are the steps to take so we can truly be authentic without it sounding like unicorn poo (though there is nothing wrong with unicorns obv!) What does being authentic mean to Barbara and her...
Jul 20, 2021
Join Em Stroud and her clown Barbara as they chat all things Comedy and Business. How can business be enhanced by comedy? How does the world of comedy translate into business? Why are we all so scared of using humour at work? What does Barbara really think of the stock exchange? How can a lightness of touch enhance...
Jul 13, 2021
Join Em Stroud and her clown Barbara as they chat all things SoulCation. How can you create your life so you feel happy? Why is writing a happy list so important? How did Mel create a soulcation life? What can Barbara offer her as she is in Mexico living her best life? What can rest, play, connection do for your...
Jul 6, 2021
Join Em Stroud and her clown Barbara as they chat all things Be The First with Caroline Flanagan. What does it mean to Be the First? How can you Be the First? What is the mindset required to Be The First? How is Barbara the first in her world? How has Caroline found the courage to be the First and much much...