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Clowning Around Podcast

Aug 31, 2021

Join Em Stroud and her clown Barbara as they chat all things Conscious Luck with Dr Gay Hendricks.  How can you create more luck in your life?  What can we all do in order to be happier, healthier individuals with the life that we want to create?  What can Barbara make for Gay that will help him in his life?  How do we...

Aug 24, 2021

In this short Solo Episode – Em shares some stories of what it is like to be reaching 100 episodes of a podcast.

Follow Em:

Emma Stroud Websites:


Instagram: emmastroudldn



Aug 17, 2021

Join Em and Barbara as she shares her journey on writing her forthcoming book Lessons From A Clown.  In this short solo episode she shares her insights over writing her first book.

Follow Em:

Emma Stroud Websites:


Aug 10, 2021

Join Em Stroud and her Clown Barbara as they chat all things Positive Leadership with Michael.  What is positive leadership?  How can you ensure that you are a positive leader right now?  How did he go from running a family business to being a global speaker?  What does he inspire Barbara to go and create?  And much...

Aug 3, 2021

Join Em Stroud and her Clown Barbara as they chat all things Leadership with Fiona.  How has it been leading Merlin Entertainments through the pandemic?  What makes us good or not so good leaders?  What can we do to improve ourselves and our organsitaion through good leadership? What do Barbara and her have in common...